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Irregular sudoku : Play in verbose mode

MessagePublié: 10 Avril 2016, 12:19
par John
In a typical page of Enter an irregular Sudoku online at when I click on the ( Play in verbose mode ) I sometimes get the following message.
Default Page: Sudoku irregular, symmetric, beginner No 1.
This page has been called in response to a direct appeal, or because of a double click.
You can start the game or return to the previous page.
[ Cancel ] to return to the previous page.
[ OK ] to start the game.

Is this normal?


Re: Irregular sudoku : Play in verbose mode

MessagePublié: 13 Avril 2016, 12:28
par admin

We'll see how it all falls into place and how fast.

Re: Irregular sudoku : Play in verbose mode

MessagePublié: 14 Avril 2016, 19:14
par John
:D Good. now it's ok.